Wednesday 1 April 2009

Voice in my head

I have writers block after xxx miles of driving so this is gonna be mostly pictures!
After missing out on 'the rock' yesterday we were up at the crack of a sparrows fart to catch the first boat to Alcatraz, and you could tell it was gonna be another scorching day in the city by the bay. M2t2 was dissapointed he couldn't take his lucky charms on the island, but we promised to get him another box, as well as some more mountain dew (his new addiction).
Gentlemen welcome to The Rock! - was an awesome place. We enjoyed the official audio tour as well as the Sean Connery audio tour provided by me and Marcus! - Don't tempt me! Retired of course! Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and f**k the prom queen.
We then picked up our motor and headed out of San Francisco (which is a truely awesome place to drive, it seems like barely organised chaos, but it all sort of works) over the Golden Gate, which was f**king awesome.
Our first Walmart.

Then after several wrong turns due to getting directions for the type of map you'd pick up from burger king we made it to South Lake Tahoe, which is freezing but is awesome to see some snow, and mountains Gandalf!


  1. mountains gandalf! whilst you lot got the pleasure of this, i spent an evening at GW. woe. did you buy an issue of guns 'n' ammo yet?

  2. heh heh Brits in the states. Always fun to read about.

  3. do you guys have lucky charms and mountain dew in England?

  4. no we dont but im working on it (from marcus)
